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Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields should not be confused with the electromagnetic fields that are created by Power Lines, Televisions, Mobile Phones. Etc. 

PEMF is a natural force, and you are exposed to it from the Earth itself.   The field strength of the Earth being just .05 Gauss.     There is an overwhelming amount of research on the benefits of PEMF. Some of which was by NASA. 

Which is better low dose or high dose?   All magnetics fields pass right through the body, so it is not a question of whether low power Pemf will or not pass through the body.  It will.  The question is will a low dose on the cells have an effect.  Well, simply by standing on the Earth can have benefits.   At twice the “healing” field of the Earth, 1 Gauss could provide a healing response.  Most experts will say that 20 Gauss is required to have an effect on cells and therefore how could such a low intensity have any effect at all?  Well, we know that it does, but long periods of time are needed to have a strong beneficial effect.  That is the problem.  We tend not to walk around in our bare feet anymore and wear rubber soled shoes insulating our feet from the Earth.

 We know that PEMF influences the cell membranes, we know that it increases mitochondrial energy, we know that it can heal wounds, fractures and breaks much faster than without intervention with PEMF.   Pemf also works by influencing the interstitium.  I do not think a dose of 20 Gauss would be required to influence fluid flow in this organ as it is very sensitive to hydrostatics, although it requires a least 20 Gauss to influence cell membranes.  Note that PEMF energy drops sharply by distance 

 Acupuncture works by affecting the “flow” of the interstitial fluids.  This newly discovered organ is now known to transport nutrients and other soluble elements around the body, to organs and elsewhere. The function of the interstitium involves hydrostatic pressure and strongly affects all organs and cell membranes.    The explanation of why low intensity PEMF works is because of the effect it has on this organ.  PEMF works at least in part by the “charging” not only of the cells of the body and improving blood flow by de clumping blood cells but also by influencing the “bio water” of the body via direct transfer of energy and frequency and by its effect on the interstitium.

A constant low dose of Pemf therefore will act over time on the body. To a client taking this approach though I would strongly advise them to add both global (whole body) therapy via a Pemf Mat at about 3000 Gauss or higher combined with locally focused Pemf treatment of very high PEMF therapy, via a hoop or paddle over the affected area. Because a low dose, is much slower to have an effect.  A high dose is much more effective.   For a fracture of a bone for example, I would be looking to provide upwards of 1 Tesla. (10,000 Gauss) Personally, I would use about 1.4 Tesla. If it were a break rather than a crack, I would go to 2 Tesla or higher. Durations would vary. For Mat treatment, 20 minutes 2-3 times a week. The intent being to improve circulation throughout the body. For localised treatment with a hoop or paddle, I would apply 4 – 8 Hz @ 1 Tesla, for 20 minutes 2 x week. For 1.4 Tesla 15 minutes 2 x week.


The above protocol provides.

  1. Global whole-body therapy to improve circulation.

      B). Localised High Power PEMF to directly affect the damaged area, reduce     inflammation, reduce pain and to help heal the area quickly.

We know the effects that PEMF has on the body in a wide variety of conditions, we know how it affects the blood, joints cells et all. Research into PEMF is ongoing, the more we learn, the more incredible and wonderful it becomes.  

Acupuncture works by altering/unblocking the flow of Chi/KI/Prana within the body. This mysterious energy is the subtle “charge” and “frequency” of the interstitial fluids in their channels in the body and from there this “life force” permeates the whole body.  Good clean flow of this energy is vital to human health.

It explains why “Acupuncture” and PEMF are so complimentary both at low intensity over longer periods of time and higher Gauss over shorter periods of time because being able to influence deep interstitial channels results in a faster global response of the bio water and its channels all though the body.  Carrying Energy, altering frequencies to cause an elevated “self-heal” effect throughout all the systems of the body.  This explains why PEMF is therapeutic over so many conditions. 

PEMF is a very complimentary modality and works well with and enhances all sorts of Therapies, Red Light Therapy, Acupuncture to name just two   Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy enhances the effects of both PEMF and Red Light Therapy. 

By influencing and balancing the electro magnetic forces of the body, we look to PEMF to provide not just a healing effect for various conditions but also a powerful anti-aging response can bio rejuvenation in our protocols. Which can now be measure by Epigenetic Testing and Telomere Testing.


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